
Still waiting

Many of us wait for something. My dad always says that he waits for his ship to come in and then he will buy everything his heart desire (just for the record: he does not own any ships!).

One of the kings of Judah, Hezekiah, was a righteous king. He did his best to turn the people back to God. Because Hezekiah served God with His whole heart the Lord was with him, and he was successful in whatever he undertook. However serving God did not make his troubles disappear. We tend to think that because we serve God we can escape life. But this is not true. We all have our difficulties; we all have our own road in life to travel. The difference lies in the companion we choose. Do you choose God as your travelling companion through life? God does not take our troubles away, but He surely works everything for our good.

Now back to Hezekiah; he refused to pay taxes to the king of Assyria which in turn outrages this mighty king. The king of Assyria laid siege on the cities of Judah. In a moment of weak faith Hezekiah offer to pay him gold and silver, if he would go back to his country. The king of Assyria took the payment but did not leave. Instead, he insulted the king Hezekiah, the nation and God. Immediately after Hezekiah heard this, he went to the temple to sought God.

Hezekiah receives a promise from God that this Assyrian king will return to his own country, and there, he will die by the sword. So now Hezekiah has this promise, and he waits... Hezekiah had to wait to see God’s faithfulness. He could have acted, went to war and lose everything, but because he waited on God and trust Him – he saw the deliverance that only God could bring. 185 000 men died in the Assyrian camp and the King of Assyria return to his country (where he was eventually killed). 
 I urge you that whatever your situation, whatever your trouble – bring it before God and wait for the deliverance that only He could bring. It is not by might, nor by power, but by God's Spirit.
Is it difficult for you to wait on God for the fulfilment of His promises in your life?
2 Kings 18 Romans 8

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