

Do you want to be fashionable?
Of course I want to be fashionable. I want to be seen with my Guggi handbag, Oakley sunglasses and my levi jeans. Perhaps there are others that say for me fashion is to have the right street address, or a house on the beach, or that BMW, Discovery or Jaguar. So, if I ask 10 different people, do they want to be fashionable and what it will look like, I am sure to get 10 different answers.

The Bible, God’s Holy word also talks about a fashion.

Ezekiel says the following:
Throw away all your sins you have committed and fashion yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!

God look at things a little bit different. He looks at things the other way around. Whe may focus on the outside things when it comes to fashion, God focus on the inside. Because He knows that when things go right on the inside, it will show on the outside.  John writes in his letter :“Dear friend, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.”

God wants our inner man to prosper.  And this is quite possible. You see, God inside you, makes you fashionable! He equips you for your daily task, He trains you to guide your children, He counsels you with the lost of a loved one, He shields you from danger, He feeds you, He guides you when you are successful.

May I pose the question again?
·         Do you want to be fashionable in life?
o   Then come to God, and throw away all your sins, ask His forgiveness. He is the God of the second and third change.
·         Do you want to fashionable at home?
o   Be the best spouse you can be, serve your mother and father.
·         Do you want to be fashionable at work?
o   Then serve your employer with your best work and attitude as unto God.
·         Do you want to be fashionable in your friendships?
o   Then give to them loyalty, care and encouragement.  

 3 John verse 2; Ezekiel 18: 31

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