
Who is the Holy Spirit Part 1

The Holy Spirit is God. He is not only part of God, but is the third person in the Trinity. The Trinity consist of the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. In this Trinity, the word of God teaches us that they are ONE God. This means that they operate as a unity but each has a different function. After Jesus ascended to God the Father in heaven, he said to his disciples that he will send another helper.

Jesus is saying he will send another helper, in the original he use the word ‘another of the same kind’. It is interesting to note that the Holy Spirit and the women is the only two persons referred to as helper in the bible. When Jesus speaks of the helper he uses personal pronouns and personal titles. 

Calling the Spirit ‘him’ stating that he is not an impersonal force, but indeed a very real person. The Holy Spirit has a mind; he can express intelligence will and emotions. We also see in the word that the Spirit can be grieved and insulted, resisted and quenched. And the Spirit of God can be blasphemed.

Deut 1:30, Matt 28:18, Rom 8:27, 1 Cor2: 10-13, Eph 4:30, 1 Cor12:11


Father,  thank you for the Holy Spirit in my life. Thank you Holy Spirit for being my helper.

To do 

When you are in front of a difficult situation, ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

Dove - symbol of the Holy spirit

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