
Do you Know this person

Someone once said that the words we speak create the atmosphere around us.
It also said that it takes at least five positive comments to cancel one negative remark. Whether we like it to believe it or not, but words have a greater effect on us than we sometimes want to believe. The English idiom that says "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never harm me" do not quite hold the truth.

And so can we with our words, out of the same mouth, praise someone or wipe the floor with him. It is always amusing to hear what friends, colleagues and commentators’ say of the national sport team after a game. Praise and negative remarks are handed out left and right based on the game that was played. The referees and coaches also receive some of the lashes. Have you ever been part of such a conversation?

Today, I want to pause at the subject of praise. Have you ever noticed that when you praise someone how that person’s confidence gets a boost, he walks head up high, chest out; get’s a sparkle in the eyes?

How do you feel when you are praised? It is marvelous, isn’t it?

Now to praise someone, I must know the person, not so? I cannot praise someone I do not know.

Praise has value if I have knowledge of someone. And so it is with God also. To praise God we need to know Him. To know Him is to know what the Bible says about Him. Have you read your Bible today?

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