
I want to quit

The fisherman who wanted to quit

There once was a fisherman who was promoted to a job with rewards out of this world.

He was still new at his job and had to wait for the boss with instructions.

He waited and waited...At last he decided to quit and go back to his previous job. Being an outspoken person, his decision made the rest of the workers leave with him to go fishing (some weren't even fishermen).

His new boss searched him out and convinced him of his love for him and brought him back to his new work.

 There, he worked with an unparalleled commitment till the end of his life.

(This is a paraphrase on Peter's story in John 21 when he wanted to quit following Jesus.)

The fist and the last thing Jesus said to Peter was; "follow me".

Be sure of His love for you, follow Him and press on toward the goal to win the prize.


John 21:1:25; Phil3:14                     

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