
Move God's hand

We read of a soldier in the bible that just come back from war. Like many others when he went to war to fight the enemy, this soldier, made a promise to God in the heat of the moment. He promised to give God the first thing that meet him when he come back to his house. Well...he was devastated when it was his only child who came out to meet him with tambourines and dancing.

He eventually kept his promise to God.

God is not interested in our vows, although he takes it very seriously. God wants our obedience. Obedience to Him is better than sacrifice.

Know that God loves you and will be your helper in time of need. He will never leave you or forsake you. You needn't make promises or take vows to move the hand of God.

                          God is moved by our prayers of faith.


Judges 11   1 Sam 15:22-24  Heb 13:5  Jas 5:15

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