
what would God see as a basic need?

I was reading Paul’s letter to the Philippians’, and read the last part that say: ‘that God will supply their need according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus’.  While thinking on this verse, I wondered what God would classify as a need.
In my search I came across some definitions for a need, it could be summed up as:  something necessary for survival. This necessity can include clothing, food and drink. While thinking on this I remembered that in the gospels Jesus also speaks on clothing and food.
What I found interesting is that He commands us not to worry about these basic needs – but instead seek His Kingdom and righteousness. Jesus assures us that our heavenly Father knows that we need them and if we seek His Kingdom (where He rule and reigns) God would give us these things.
I wonder if God would classify His Kingdom and righteousness as a need – necessary for survival.
Phil 4:9, Matt 6

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