
How to have church?

I’ve just read the most remarkable book: Jim and Casper go to church.
Jim is a believer a pastor and Casper is an atheist. What a weird combination, right? Jim hired Casper to give Christians a different perspective on how visitors perceive churches. And what a different view it is. They visited most of the mega churches in America, a smaller church and also a house church. In the book statements like “a lot of what happens at Church is really just cultural stuff” is made by the writers, so I wondered can this statement be true, or just partly true?
Are we doing things in church that is only culturally related and not biblically related?

How did Jesus wants us to have church? He did not talk a lot about how to have church, in fact He do not mention the word church often. Could it be possible as Casper remarks “a lot of what happens at Church is really just cultural stuff”. Are we just doing things to be culturally acceptable? How many churches do you know who listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in how they must attempt things? As Casper said, “Is this what Jesus told you guys to do”? All the lights, sound systems, fog machines… (and none of this are inherently sinful.)

So what did Jesus told us to do?
It is compelling that Jesus told the disciples to go and make disciples, to teach them to obey and to baptize them. He never mentions a building or a way to have church. You see you are the church, if people are visiting you – they are in church! Now isn’t it something to think about. You, as living stones, are built up as a spiritual house. You have signed up to obey Christ - not to please yourself. Live your life to the will of God (the will of God found in the word of God).
Give us you comment.
(1Pet 2:4,5; Eph 2:20; Gal2:20; Rom 15:1-3; 1Pet 4:2; Rom 14:17)
Coming soon: sermons on the website in Afrikaans also!

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