by Christo Jovner

With the COVID19 pandemic on
our doorstep, it also “such an equaliser”, because the
virus doesn’t ask you permission to infect you based on your social status, gender
or race… And everybody wants that much needed commodity – health!
When it comes to our
spiritual life, there is also “such an equaliser”. His name is Jesus Christ. And the much needed
commodity is to know Him!
Paul of the Bible is in
lockdown for three years and writes a thank you letter to the Philippians. In
chapter 3 he writes about his past, his accomplishment as a spiritual elitist
and his zeal in persecuting the church.
But then Paul meet the spiritual
Jesus Christ. No effort of your own can suffice, only faith
in Jesus. From a lockdown prison cell, Paul writes about his primary persuit in
life: To know Christ and to obey Him!
I once thought these things were valuable, but
now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. 8Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the
infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Phil 3:7-8 (NLT)
And when wrapped in time and
seclusion, Paul is liberated from his past – his religious superiority that
hardened his haughty heart as well as his church-persecuting-mistake that could
so easily paralise him emotionally.
Today, in our lockdown, we
are also wrapped in time and seclusion, and our past also might need some
liberation, from the haughty hardened heart to the emotionally paralised heart…
Only one thing is needed:
that I might know Jesus and obey Him. Don’t you want to join me on this
liberating journey that only “such an equaliser” – Jesus Christ can do in us?
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