
Why do churches always ask for money?

Many people feel annoyed when churches ask for money. I cannot answer for every church, but it will do no harm to give a general overview on the possible answers.

Luckily money is not evil but Paul says in Philippians that the love of money is the root of all evil (1Tim 6:10). So money can bring good, but to love it has serious implications, especially for Christians. Paul also says that the love of money can lead Christians away from the truth of the Gospel.

Churches ask for money because:  of a lack of proper teaching to the followers of Jesus on money matters. If the followers of Jesus new that “their” money was not theirs, they would gladly give – asking ‘how much, Lord’ and not ‘should I give’.

Churches ask for money because: we must also remember that the Gospel is free but to bring it to the people cost real money. There is an electricity bill, stationary ect. to be paid.

Churches ask for money, because God send money through people.

The list why they ask for money can be endless. But I firmly believe that if you follow Jesus, your life belongs to Him and this includes your money. Our heart must be one of a giver. There is power in sowing into God’s work (1 Cor 9:6-15). God is eager to multiply your seed so that you can even sow more. Break the love of money on your life and dare to give!

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