
Timeless monument of Christ - Take this bread and wine


Timeless monument of Christ

Monuments are usually a part of history. To remember a great person, a great battle, a great deed. We see these monuments of remembrance everywhere in every country, city or town. Some are religious and some are not. Some are clean and some are covered by debris.

Thinking of these great monuments and statues, I marvel at the monument of Christ. The way he chose to be remembered - not by a statue or monument or a physical building - but by the breaking of bread

His words to those following him were:'do this to remember me.

For centuries this is what the church has been doing. They remembered him by breaking bread and drinking wine. An unusual statue that transcends time and space. One that survived wars and destruction. One that can be remembered and celebrated anytime, anywhere.

A monument not made by the hands of man. A monument made by the simple daily needs of man, eating and drinking - so easy, so simple and so cheap, anyone can do it.

The Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of Life is remembered by bread and wine. 

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