
Pray for the leaders


Today, the Lord is calling us to pray for our leaders so that we can live peacefully in our land,


1Tim 2:2  Pray for kings and others in power, so that we may live quiet and peaceful lives as we worship and honour God.

1Tim 2:3  This kind of prayer is good, and it pleases God our Saviour.


As believers, this is an important aspect of our prayer life, as it pleases God.
We might not agree what the kings and the people in power do, but we can pray for them, pray for their salvation, pray for integrity, and pray that unethical ways may be exposed, pray against bribery.
Pray that the Lord will give them wisdom to rule. There are so much that we can pray for in this area!!! And for some of us this is difficult to do as it is not part of our immediate surroundings, not part of our direct living sphere of influence. None the less, it pleases God to pray for this matter.
Why? So that we might live quiet and peaceful lives – peace, the commodity that Jesus left for his disciples.

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