
Feeling like smashing some rocks?

Ex 16:6” Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb, and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it, and the people will drink." And Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel. (ESV)
After Moses led Israel out of Egypt, they find themselves in the dessert with no water. When Israel complained toward Moses, the Lord gave Moses a specific command. He had to strike the rock at Horeb (Mount Sinai) and water will pour out for the people to drink. Part of the command, the Lord said to Moses “I will stand before you on the rock”. The word before can also be translated as “a before time”. The Lord was waiting for Moses at the place of obedience. The outcome was that the Lord provided. Today, as we are led by the Spirit of God, where is your place of obedience? The Lord is waiting for you there to provide. He did it for Moses, He did it for Abraham with the ram in the thicket, He wants to do it for you!

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