
Life after death

Did you know that the early church talk more about Jesus' resurrection that his death?

The humanity of Christ is display in his death, for only mortals can die. God cannot die.

But, the deity of Christ is displayed in his resurrection, for only God can overcome death!

We know that Christ, who was brought back to life, will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him.

He prophesied that Jesus wouldn't die merely for this nation but that Jesus would die to bring God's scattered children together and make them one.

Since a man brought death, a man also brought life back from death.

As everyone dies because of Adam, so also everyone will be made alive because of Christ.

If we live, we honour the Lord, and if we die, we honour the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

Everyone who lives and believes in Jesus will never die. Do you believe that?"



Joh11:26  Rom6:9  Rom14:8  Joh1:52  1Co 15:21,22

Keep in mind

Never underestimate the power of your mind.

If your brain worked like a digital video recorder in a television, 2.5 petabytes would be enough to hold three million hours of TV shows. You would have to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years to use up all that storage.

With everything that the human race has achieved up to now it is said that the brightest students has only begun to utilize 8% (or less?)of their brains.

It would be fitting then that God commands us in his word to renew our minds, as our maker  he should know the importance of renewing our mind.

As humans,  we pride ourselves in our cognitive ability and our cognitive ability sometimes is our greatest downfall.

Many books have been written on the subject - but a reminder will do no harm.

The Bible says we have the mind of Christ and then it also says to 'have' the mind of Christ.

We must realize one thing - when we are born-again our Spirits is complete and whole -, but our minds still need to catch up with our spirits. This is part of us that is connected to our bodies and our human nature. And according to Paul this human nature must be subdued. We have died with Christ and have been resurrected with Him, but our minds are not  perfect.

What can I do then?

Programme the mind with new software. Read the Bible.

Ask and trust God to bring change in you.

Ask someone to hold you accountable.


These suggestions may seem  elementary, but they are powerful.

Rom 12:2, Phip 2:5, Eph 4:23

Can Christians be tired?

Of cause Christians can be tired. After all we live in a human body with limitations. Are you feeling tired and run down?
Do you feel like you can use a boost? I do believe as God`s children we do have some advantages.
The word of God tells us to pray/speak in an unknown tongue.

When we do this:

-we speak to God (who understands all languages)

-we edify ourselves.

What does this mean?

The word edify means "to be a house builder, construct".

When the Bible speak of us as the temple, it does not distinguish between body, soul or spirit.
When you pray in an unknown tongue you are a house builder. You build up your own house - the house where God lives, through his Spirit.
Pray and build yourself up.
You don`t know how to speak in tongues?  
First, you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is not difficult. When you have given your life to Christ he fills you with His Spirit (this makes you His child) but I do believe you can ask God to fill you with His Spirit and give you a new language (this equip you for living the Christian life). Trust God, he will not give you bad things when you ask for His infilling with the Holy Spirit and He will protect you.


1 Cor 14:2,4 ; 1 Cor 3:16 ; 2 Cor 6:16,19



Spiritual warfare...

Want to engage in spiritual warfare? consider this:

1. I do not fight like a man beating in the air.

Rather, I toughen my body with punches and make it my slave so that I will not be disqualified after I have spread the Good News to others. (I practice self discipline)

2. I have weapons - powerful weapons from God

With them I destroy people's intellectual defences,(place or means of protection)

that is, their :

arguments and all their intellectual arrogance that oppose the knowledge of God.

We take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ.


3. Fight the good fight of faith...


- by holding on to faith (trust God even though you don't see)

- by holding on to a good conscience.

4. Fight the good fight of faith - take hold of eternal life...

when you have done all - STAND (and keep on praying).

Focus on God and the finished work of Christ.


2 Cor 10:3 1Cor 9:26 1 Tim 1:18 1 Tim 1:12 Eph 6:10

weapons: for punishing offending members (2Co_10:6; 1Co_4:21; 1Co_5:5, 1Co_5:13); boldness of speech, ecclesiastical discipline (2Co_10:8; 2Co_13:10), the power of the word, and of the sacraments, the various extraordinary gifts of the Spirit - taken from Jamieson, Fausset and Brown commentary.

True Freedom

We know that the person we used to be was crucified with Jesus to put an end to sin in our bodies.

Because of this we are no longer slaves to sin.

The person who has died has been freed from sin.

So consider yourselves dead to sin's power but living for God in the power Christ Jesus gives you.

When you offer yourselves to someone to obey him,

You are
slaves to the one you obey.

When you are a slave of sin it leads to death.

If you are
slaves to obedience it leads to righteousness.

You have been set free from sin and have become
slaves to righteousness , leading to holiness.

Slaves to God means that the benefit thereof is holiness and the result eternal life.

Because you obey you are a slave of the one you obey.

You are dead to sin but alive to God in Jesus Christ.

Sin shall not be your master, because you are not under the law, but under Grace.

Rom 6:11-23