
You can receive the Holy Spirit - the power helper

Have you ever heard someone say to you: It would be to your advantage if I go away? Perhaps you feel this way about some people in your life, but usually, it is on the contrary - we miss people that go away, and their presence is obvious in the void that is left behind. 

And so it was with Jesus. He once made this comment to his disciples in John 16:7

“It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” 

Jesus would often comment on this one, that at the time does not make sense, but later on definitely...

And we are living in that “later” moment. We read of Jesus' ascension into heaven, as well as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, as was also promised in Acts 1:8 (ESV)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  

The Holy Spirit power-outpouring changed the Peter that denied Jesus into the Peter that stood up and boldly witnessed Jesus and 3000 people came to Christ (Acts 2:41). The Holy Spirit is the one who is sent to help delivers live the God-life.

The same Holy Spirit power-outpouring is available for us today! 

It is easy to receive the Holy Spirit. First, you must believe that Jesus is the one who saves you from your sin and restores the relationship between you and God. Second, you need to ask God for the Holy Spirit, for he gives good gifts to his children. You don't need to strife for it - trust and believe that God will do what he said and be content in him.

Would you allow Him to be poured out in your heart and mind to live a life of power, victory, of witness and influence?

He is our Power Helper!